More than Inherited Cardiac Conditions (ICCs): BMS launches report at parliamentary summit for improving outcomes in ICCs

To ensure people living with inherited cardiac conditions (ICCs) are more than their condition, it is our collective responsibility to enable them to live full lives by ensuring the patient pathway works as efficiently as possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recently launched a new report entitled “More than Inherited Cardiac Conditions: Driving Policy Reform in ICCs" which aims to highlight, drive, and accelerate policy and service reforms in ICCs.

The report makes many recommendations to improve the patient pathway for people with inherited cardiac conditions and contains statements of support from the leading clinical and patient representative voices in the industry.

It was launched at a parliamentary reception on 21 November 2024, which was attended by leading members of parliament and clinicians, as well as patient and professional organisations. The event fostered discussions on the existing blockages in the patient pathway, and what can be done to overcome these.  

There is an unacceptable disparity in the management and care of people living with an inherited cardiac condition compared to those with other cardiovascular diseases. The expert stakeholders who developed the “More than Inherited Cardiac Conditions” report in partnership with BMS are calling for full parity across cardiovascular care and access to better management options.

You can read a copy of the report here.

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January 2025