EFPIA Disclosure Code
The EFPIA Disclosure Code was adopted, which required that its Member Associations adopt transparency provisions into their own national codes by December 21, 2013. The EFPIA Disclosure Code establishes guidelines for EFPIA members to disclose certain Transfers of Value made to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations. Examples of transactions disclosed include a grant to an HCO or a consultancy fee for an HCP speaking engagement.
As a member company of EFPIA we fully support the EFPIA Code on Disclosure of Transfers of Value from Pharmaceutical Companies to Healthcare Professionals and Healthcare Organizations and have begun disclosing payments to European-based health care professionals and health care organizations in 2016 in alignment with the disclosure code. We hope that it will serve to create a better understanding of, and ultimately build trust in, the validity of industry interactions with the medical profession.
If you have a question about transactions reported by Bristol Myers Squibb, email your inquiries to: mg-transparency_bms@bms.com