Clara Story - Cardiovascular Management

Welcome to Clara’s story:
A virtual day in the cardiology clinic

This non-promotional educational experience has been developed and funded by BMS and intended for healthcare professionals in the UK and Ireland.

Clara is a 31-year-old female patient presenting with an undiagnosed complaint. During this simulation you will be playing the role of Clara’s healthcare professional. You will be able to access Clara’s electronic medical records, interact with her in the virtual consultation room and influence how her consultation progresses.

Clara is a fictional character. Her medical history and presentation during the consultation are based on a fictionalised case study. Real-life management of patients should always be at the discretion of your own clinical judgement.

June 2024

Simulation structure

The aim of the experience is to select on-screen options to uncover the information that you will need to make a correct diagnosis of the condition that Clara is presenting with.

Simulation scoring

You will be scored on:

  • How effectively you manage the patient during the consultation
  • Whether you reach the correct diagnosis of Clara’s condition by the end of the consultation