Economic responsibility
Our economic performance can be measured through our investment in innovative research and development, our history of successful partnerships to develop and deliver important new medicines to people who need them and our efforts to help expand access to quality healthcare.
The most important measure of our success is the difference we make in the lives of patients.
Indirect benefits
Prescription drugs help limit the economic impact of disease by helping prevent their costly consequences.
Intellectual property
When evaluating intellectual property rights, we always consider criteria that balance both patient and economic needs.
Political contributions
We are an active participant in the political process and legally contribute to candidates and political organizations.
We work with suppliers to achieve the highest level of quality, expertise, experience and fit with our operating culture.
Additional information
If you would like to know more details about our financial goals, our performance and additional relevant information, see our company’s Investors site for our Annual Report and our Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation and Citizenship reports.