Hospices of Hope

Hospices of Hope will receive $271,680 over two years to support the development of a palliative care network that can be applied at a national level in vulnerable countries which are not part of the European Union, piloting in The Republic of Moldova.


One of the poorest countries in Europe, Moldova experiences a severe lack of services for patients suffering from a terminal, rare or life-limiting illness. Currently only 5% of patients who require palliative care receive it. Hospices of Hope has over 17 years of experience developing and supporting palliative care services in Moldova; training specialists, being active in advocacy and policy change, and implementing new approaches to providing palliative care in under resourced settings. 


Hospices of Hope will focus on three key areas for capacity building; administration, palliative care training and financial/advocacy support. Administration improvements will include building a structure that will allow these small organizations to receive and manage private and commercial donations, develop communications regarding their services on the channels available in the country and create fundraising plans and volunteer engagement opportunities. Palliative care training will be provided by the local Hospices of Hope teams to update health worker skills and improve organizational capacity. In addition, Hospices of Hope will develop a common advocacy plan and work with government officials to advance support for palliative care.

Project Leader

Alex Padureanu, alex@hospicesofhope.co.uk